MLiR (1996)

Filename Size Description of the Textfile
mlir-001.txt 28758
MLiR Issue #1 (June 23, 1996)
mlir-002.txt 24136
MLiR Issue #2 (July 20, 1996)
mlir-003.txt 23699
MLiR Issue #3 (August 12, 1996)
mlir-004.txt 30665
MLiR Issue #4 (September 8, 1996)
mlir-005.txt 31439
MLiR Issue #5 (September 15, 1996)
mlir-006.txt 25968
MLiR Issue #6 (October 1, 1996)
mlir-007.txt 27509
Modern Life is Rubbish Magazine Issue #7 by Dan Abnrmal, Julez and Baron (1996)
mlir-baj.ans 1429
ANSI: MLIR Ball in a Jar
mlir.nfo 2371
NFO File: Information about MLIR, BBSes and Staff
showbag.ans 2921
ANSI: The MLIR Catalog

There are 10 files for a total of 198,895 bytes.