Filename | Size | Description of the Textfile
ldt001.txt | 3015 | infiltr8 by xod (2001)
| ldt002.txt | 3068 | Another day, Another $ by xod (2001)
| ldt003.txt | 5239 | Inactivity by xod (2001)
| ldt004.txt | 3389 | She Doesn't by xod (2001)
| ldt005.txt | 6799 | Telco Kid by xod (2001)
| ldt006.txt | 4530 | Lagwagon Lyrics by keno (2001)
| ldt007.txt | 6752 | Weezer Lyrics by keno (2001)
| ldt008.txt | 5698 | Being the Machine by jarvis (2001)
| ldt009.txt | 4268 | Sex by jarvis (2001)
| ldt010.txt | 8695 | It Needs to be Said by jarvis (2001)
| ldt011.txt | 2629 | Bad E-Mail Trip by slave (2001)
| ldt012.txt | 3498 | Your Science Will Kill Us by xod (2001)
| ldt013.txt | 4601 | Nightmare in Amsterdam by xod (2001)
| ldt014.txt | 22354 | Time Travel by bshark (2001)
| ldt015.txt | 3238 | Dog Shit by xod (2001)
| ldt016.txt | 4562 | Angelica by ilamai (2001)
| ldt017.txt | 5844 | Drunken Stew by various (2001)
| ldt018.txt | 2633 | 5 Reasons Why... Recruitment Agencies Suck by xod (2001)
| ldt019.txt | 8168 | Those Annoying People on the Side of the Streets by bshark (2001)
| ldt020.txt | 4140 | Pale Blue Dot by bshark (2001)
| ldt021.txt | 4010 | 21 Files by xod (2001)
| ldt022.txt | 6375 | Loneliness and the Electronic Medium by jvaldez (2001)
| ldt023.txt | 6527 | I Live With Fucking Dickheads! by bshark (2001)
| ldt024.txt | 11603 | General Theories Yet to be Laws by jvaldez (2001)
| ldt025.txt | 6121 | The Best Days I've Ever Spent Were Those Playing LORD and EXTILUS by jvaldez (2001)
| ldt026.txt | 5423 | Your Construction Smells of Corruption, I Manipulate to Recreate.. by jvaldez (2001)
| ldt027.txt | 5924 | Probably the Greatest Cocktail in the World by dr el8 (2001)
| ldt028.txt | 5801 | Theft, Violation, and Dealing With It by jvaldez (2001)
| ldt029.txt | 3263 | In Some Cases a Degree isn't Worth the Paper its Written on by xod (2001)
| ldt030.txt | 7127 | Typical College Student Living Typical Student Life by jvaldez (2001)
| ldt031.txt | 8439 | Those Random People Who Talk to You in the Street by bshark (2001)
| ldt032.txt | 3450 | The Alleged Elites were Alleged Losers once by xod (2001)
| ldt033.txt | 4364 | Total Clarity by jvaldez (2001)
| ldt034.txt | 1899 | Paranoia: The Vicious Circle by xod (2001)
| ldt035.txt | 4383 | Kinkos; Copy Place or College Student Defamation League by jvaldez (2001)
| ldt036.txt | 4879 | ill by enix (2001)
| ldt037.txt | 2831 | If Life's an Illusion What Drugs Are we on? by xod (2001)
| ldt038.txt | 3218 | Your Honor by n0soul (2001)
| ldt039.txt | 4098 | Kipper Tie by dr el8 (2001)
| ldt040.txt | 3686 | I Smell Gas by xod (2001)
| ldt041.txt | 6544 | Watching what you Watch: Theories on Propaganda and How it Twists Your Mind by jvaldez (2001)
| ldt042.txt | 3834 | The Truths of Sleep by n0soul (2001)
| ldt043.txt | 3542 | Slow Death of the Mixtape by xod (2001)
| ldt044.txt | 3969 | Baby I got ur 0day by twd (2001)
| ldt045.txt | 2458 | The Ravers Manifesto by netspread (2001)
| ldt046.txt | 4238 | Going Out Without Leaving by netspread (2001)
| ldt047.txt | 3111 | A Generic Everyone Sucks File by maxx (2001)
| ldt048.txt | 3962 | Socrates in Action by n0soul (2001)
| ldt049.txt | 5188 | How Hard is it to Not Talk While i'm Watching? by jvaldez (2001)
| ldt050.txt | 4526 | Falling in Love Without Being in Love by netspread (2001)
| ldt051.txt | 2460 | White House, we're on to You by xod (2001)
| ldt052.txt | 8943 | Billy and his Scooter by xod (2001)
| ldt053.txt | 7606 | Why I Hate Dumb Computer Scientists by n0soul (2001)
| ldt054.txt | 5356 | 7th Chamber Re-Write by twd (2001)
| ldt055.txt | 4558 | Anthrax Schmanthrax by jvaldez (2001)
| ldt056.txt | 2464 | Untitled by unlit (2001)
| ldt057.txt | 3237 | No One Respects Geeks by n0soul (2001)
| ldt058.txt | 4718 | The Manifestos Manifesto by jvaldez (2001)
| ldt059.txt | 5719 | Anthrax: The Follow Up by xod (2001)
| ldt060.txt | 3254 | I Wanna be Straight-Edged by xod (2001)
| ldt061.txt | 13161 | Memoirs of a Fuck by Damian Rensh (2001)
| ldt062.txt | 3394 | 62 Word Stories by xod (2001)
| ldt063.txt | 2788 | Sleeping on the Couch by xod (2001)
| ldt064.txt | 1762 | Not Quite Friends by eclipsed (2001)
| ldt065.txt | 3238 | Why the Consumer is Being Ripped Off by the Fashion Industry by xod (2001)
| ldt066.txt | 9323 | Theory on the American Terrorist Attack by bshark (2001)
| ldt067.txt | 3559 | Choose Idle by xod (2001)
| ldt068.txt | 2483 | Subliminal Messages are Everywhere by xod (2001)
| ldt069.txt | 3169 | I Had A Dream by n0soul (2001)
| ldt070.txt | 3668 | Don't Read This its Shit by n0soul (2001)
| ldt071.txt | 2889 | Bad Hair Day by xod (2001)
| ldt072.txt | 2247 | The Little Things by n0soul (2001)
| ldt073.txt | 2100 | Battle Axe by xod (2001)
| ldt074.txt | 3680 | cr's guide to OOBE by cr (2001)
| ldt075.txt | 2253 | You're So Boring by n0soul (2001)
| ldt076.txt | 3931 | Just Do it by n0soul (2001)
| ldt077.txt | 2253 | Originality Is The Key by xod (2001)
| ldt078.txt | 1710 | You Are What You Eat by n0soul (2001)
| ldt079.txt | 6230 | No Particular Title by ilamai (2001)
| ldt080.txt | 3830 | Friends are friends, until they are enemies, until they are friends, again by jvaldez (2001)
| ldt081.txt | 9735 | One Room One Night..a short story of pain and loss by petrol boy (2001)
| ldt082.txt | 3489 | Echelon in 2 minutes by n0soul (2001)
| ldt083.txt | 2708 | The Catastrophe Theory by jvaldez (2001)
| |