| Size
| Description of the Textfile
32bmm.txt 11508
| DOCUMENTATION: 32bMM a 32 Bits Memory Manager by LCA of Psychose (1993)
| 5ormore.txt 10972
| How to Crack Using W32DASM: 5 or More Version 2.0, by JosephCo (1997)
| a86.txt 17104
| Using A86 for Assembly Programing, by Chuck Nelson (1990)
| aciddraw.txt 33941
| DOCUMENTATION: ACIDDraw Version 1.2 by ACiD Productions (1995)
| acidview.nfo 51070
| DOCUMENTATION: ACIDView Version 4.14 by Skull LEader and Tasmaniac (April 1, 1996)
| addon.txt 10220
| DOCUMENTATION: Avalanche v3.0: Addon Imp,ementation Documentation by H-Master (1997)
| ae.txt 42367
| alanche.txt 45643
| DOCUMENTATION: Avalance Version 3.0 by H-Master (1997)
| asm0.txt 6773
| A Tutorial about Basic Assembler, by Draeden
| asm1.txt 4091
| A Tutorial about Basic Assembler, by Draeden (Part II)
| asm2.txt 7287
| A Tutorial about Basic Assembler, by Draeden (Part III)
| asm3.txt 16447
| A Tutorial about Basic Assembler, by Draeden (Part IV) (April 14, 1993)
| asmintro.txt 23344
| An Introduction to Assembler, by VLA (March, 1993)
| asmtut01.txt 14964
| asmtut02.txt 12217
| asmtut03.txt 15423
| asmtut04.txt 22895
| asmtut05.txt 41217
| asmtut06.txt 22712
| asmtut07.txt 23477
| asmtut08.txt 31752
| asmtut09.txt 30374
| atbash2.txt 15728
| DOCUMENTATION: ATBASH, An Efficient File Encryption Program
| autopost.txt 14661
| DOCUMENTATION: Autopost: Automatic News Posting Verison 1.1 bu Eucalyptus
| beggin1.txt 7380
| Cracking for the Beginner, by Yoshi (June 5, 1997)
| beggin2.txt 4309
| Cracking for the Beginner Part II by Yoshi (June 12, 1997)
| beggin3.txt 3488
| Cracking for the Beginner Last Part, by Yoshi
| bong.txt 4164
| DOCUMENTATION: Bong v1.0 for Windows (May 23, 1995)
| bootstrp.txt 7542
| Making the Snake Eat its Tail: Bootstrapping, by Chris Pressey, Cat's Eye Technologies (October 20, 1999)
| bryddes.txt 3985
| DOCUMENTATION: BrydDES Version 1.0 by Svend Olaf Mikkelsen (February 25, 1997)
| buster.txt 20542
| DOCUMENTATION: Neg Buster Introduction by Erik Famm (1995)
| butttrumpet.txt 4039
| DOCUMENTATION: Butt Trumpet, a Buttplug-in for BackOrifice by Brian Enigma
| c4n-ppv.txt 6582
| How to Crack Personal Password Vault v 1.0.1 by drlan (1997)
| cabrio.txt 7153
| Cracking Tutorial: Cabrio v2.5, by bull1 (1998)
| caid-339.txt 4808
| DOCUMENTATION: CrackAid v3.39 by Rawhide of The Humble Guys (May, 1993)
| caload.txt 1066
| DOCUMENTATION: CA-Load v1.00 by Rawhide of The Humble Guys
| carrier.txt 6960
| DOCUMENTATION: No Carrier, by Ghost Pilot (March 30, 1993)
| catch.txt 6193
| DOCUMENTATION: Novell Network Password Catcher 2.0 by Mescal
| cbd1.txt 10387
| A CbD Cracking Tutorial by Ultisoft, Inc.
| cbd2.txt 10010
| A CbD Cracking Tutorial #2: Rummy 500, by CbD
| cbd3.txt 17107
| A CbD Tutorial #3: Function Disabled Protections Defeated by CbD (June 28, 1997)
| cbd4.txt 9835
| CbD's Tutorial #4: An Alternative to Serial # Locating
| cbd5.txt 6136
| A General Cracking Tutorial by CbD
| cbd6.txt 8578
| CbD Tutorial #6: Modifying DLL's to Give Real Reg Codes
| ce.txt 14666
| DOCUMENTATION: Cheat Engine v2.X by Napalm Ultimate Killing Experience
| cia.nfo 5608
| NFO: TKC's Cracking Tutorial #19
| cities 13184
| A List of Worldwide Cities and the Time Adjustment
| codewar.thc 41016
| DOCUMENTATION: The COdewar Virus, by Sirius and Mindmaniac (1995)
| compiler.txt 5115
| Tutorial: Coronado Enterprises Turbo C (July 1, 1987)
| crackhlp.txt 3367
| DOCUMENTATION: The Wicked IRC Password Cracker Version 1.1
| crckmstr.txt 6987
| DOCUMENTATION: Crack Master 2.5 by Guido at Guido Software and Productions (January 27, 1994)
| crippled.txt 25446
| The Beautiful Creation of the RazziaPad by Razzia (August 19, 1997)
| cwsdpmi.txt 7060
| DOCUMENTATION: CWSDPMI by Charles W. Sandmann (1995)
| damaged.nfo 6838
| NFO File: CartDisk by DiskDue of Damaged Cybernetics (December 12, 1996)
| dir_tut.txt 15944
| Cracking Tutorial: Directory Toolkit Version 2.63, by Quantico (1998)
| dlock2.txt 11820
| DOCUMENTATION: DLOCK2 Diamond2 Block Cipher Program
| dmaud.txt 2100
| DOCUMENTATION: DOOM Audio Editor: Version 1.1 (March, 1994)
| dmgrap11.txt 2712
| DOCUMENTATION: DOOM Graphic Editor Version 1.1 (May, 1994)
| doc.txt 4519
| Cracking Tutorial: Tickle.exe, by drLAN and mexelite
| dsi.nfo 7864
| NFO: Lomax's Cracking Tutorial #1 (April 2, 1998)
| dumpexe.txt 25707
| DOCUMENTATION: Exedumper Verison 1.2 by Obsession (1995)
| ed!son.nfo 1086
| NFO: Edison Cracking
| exepack2eng.tut 6170
| Cracking Tutorial: Exepackers: How to Defeat 'EM #2 by Gustaw Kit (November 24, 1998)
| exile-c.txt 11036
| Cracking Tutorial: Exile I: Escap from the Pit, by Dr.Lan (September 27, 1997)
| fed.txt 11592
| DOCUMENTATION: F.E.D: The File Encryptor and Decryptor Version 1.1 by Jorge Ferreira (January 14, 1996)
| file_id.nfo 12921
| NFO: The Win 95 Theme Pack by Reality Check Network (July 7, 1996)
| fire!.asm 9496
| fire-ft4.txt 3334
| DOCUMENTATION: Fire-FTP: A Password Scanner for CuteFTP by Marquis (April, 1997)
| flagsfak.txt 9723
| The Flags Faking Approach in Cracking
| flux3.txt 3386
| Cracking Tutorial: Flu[X]
| fluxtut4.txt 3598
| Cracking Tutorial: Flu[X]/PC98 Cracking tutor #4 - Using W32Dasm to its potential
| fluxtut5.txt 4701
| Cracking Tutorial: Flu[X]'s cracking tutor #5 - A EXTREMELY easy keygen
| fluxtut6.txt 2981
| Cracking Tutorial: Flu[X]'s cracking tutor #6 - Dealing wit a packed EXE, Getting past Disassembler Protection
| fluxtut7.txt 13957
| Cracking Tutorial: How to Make a Key Generator
| gd.txt 11205
| SOFTDOCS: The Hacker's Choice General Dialer v1.0 by Karl Marx (1995)
| gem96dem.txt 23354
| DOCUMENTATION: Gemulator 96 Demo Version 4.50 (September 3, 1996)
| gf.txt 5094
| DOCUMENTATION: Girlfriend by General Failure Version 1.35
| gpf.nfo 8754
| NFO: The Global Piracy Foundation
| gs.txt 186821
| DOCUMENTATION: Global Security 16 by MacGregor K. Phillips Version 3.4 (July 1995)
| guess.bak 5841
| DOCUMENTATION: Preliminary Documentation for GUESS (Unix password checker) by Christian Beaumont (November 4th, 1991)
| gwshare.txt 52046
| DOCUMENTATION: Game Wizard 32 Shareware Version by Ray Hsu and Gerald Ryckman (1995)
| hhfaq.txt 6830
| DOCUMENTATION: Hackerz Hideout FAQ Version 1.02 by kM of the HackersClub (July 23, 1998)
| hideseek.txt 8685 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |